
1969 - 106 minutes - Western
Cast: Lee
Van Cleef........................................Sabata William
Berger..........................................Banjo Franco
Russel.......................................Stengel Pedro
Sanchez...................................Carrincha Nick
Jordan.........................................Alley Cat Gianni
Rizzo..................................Judge O'Hara Director: Frank
Kramer (Gianfranco Parolini) Synopsis: Stengel,
a wealthy landowner in Dougherty, Texas, masterminds a bank robbery of US Army gold, and then, together with his co-conspirators Judge O'Hara and saloon owner Fergusson, he arranges for a $5,000 reward for the capture of the robbers..A mysterious stranger named Sabata rides into town, apprehends and kills the bank robbers, and collects the reward. Sabata also suspects the acrobatic Virginian Brothers of taking part in the robbery but Stengel has them murdered before they can confess. After locating evidence that implicates Stengel, Sabata attempts to blackmail him for $10,000. A
succession of assassins is hired by Stengel to kill Sabata but they all fail. Finally Banjo, an old friend of Sabata's, is hired, but he, too, fails although Sabata spares his life. Sabata attacks Stengel's ranch and kills Judge O'Hara and Fergusson with bullets and dynamite; later, Sabata kills Stengel in one of the latter's favorite shooting games. Sabata and Banjo then fight for the blackmail money, and Banjo shoots Sabata. Banjo's friend Charrincha puts the body in a wagon and goes away. But Sabata isn't dead; Outside of town, Sabata forces Banjo to stop. Instead of killing him he splits the money with him but shoots the band holding the $5,000 of Banjo's split and it scatters in the wind with Banjo chasing the elusive bills. |