The film begins with a
direct copy of the opening to "Raiders of the Lost Ark", as a soldier of
fortune Duke Howard (Captain Yankee), leads a dude through a rain forest
to hunt in a booby trapped cave for a golden idol, pursued all the while
by natives shooting arrows. The dude even escapes in a seaplane
Indy might use, all before it is revealed that Duke and the natives have
staged the whole incident to fleece another gullible tourist seeking
high adventure.
The film is set in 1938 Malaysia, with a tongue-in-cheek story which
deals with Duke guiding a museum curator Yanez from Columbia on her
quest for the fabled Ruby of Gloom. The film is full of incidents
such as caves containing lakes of fire and lots of jousting with Borneo
pirates. Van Cleef merely appears as a guest star and alternates
in all white and all black costumes.
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