
1970 - 102 minutes - Western
Van Cleef...........................................Ryan
John Phillip
Luigi Pistilli...........................................Wolcott
Mario Brega.........................................One-Eye
Giulio Petroni
One stormy night a group of bandits break into
an isolated house, exterminate the family living there, and then run away.
The only survivor of the slaughter is a Child, Bill. Fifteen years pass.
Bill has become a man. He has done nothing but brood about revenge, since.
that terrible night, and to Prepare himself for it. A man is released from a
penitentiary after, many. years of detention. His name is Ryan. As soon as
he is free, he goes to the vi1lage where Bill lives. Two men who have
followed him try, to kill him, but they get the worst of it, and are killed
by Ryan. The sheriff of the place discovers that one of the two dead men is
wearing a pair of unusual spurs. He carries them to Bill and compares them
with one left on the ground on the night of the massacre. They are
identical, and Bill supposes that the man whom the two killers wanted to
murder, can lead him on to the track of the murderers of his family, so he
sets off to follow him. He reaches him, but Ryan doesn't seem to want his
company. He takes Bill's horse and leaves him ten miles, behind. On
arriving in the city of Holly Springs, Ryan meets Bert Monina, A card
sharp. proprietor of a gambling‑house. From their conversation we
understand that years ago Ryan had been betrayed and that Bert, with others,
were responsible for the years that Ryan has spent in prison.
Bill and Ryan get friendly and the two set off
on Vic track of a dangerous band who have stolen a large sum of money Ryan
saves Bill's life more than once and then, the battle begins.
The bandits make an ambush for the two friends,
and get ready
to attack as soon as it is daylight. But in the tavern just before the
attacks Bill sees an emulet swinging, from Ryan’s neck, grid something stirs
his memory. It is Ryan himself who admits that he had been there too, on
that tragic night. But he says that now it is better for the two of them to
face the bandits together. Once they have eliminated the bandits, they can,
sort things out between them.
Manuel, the bandit leader is killed.. Then Ryan
and Bill
look at each other
and go off in opposite direction.